
59 Il sostegno della Commissione europea alla produzione di questa pubblicazione non costituisce un'approvazione del contenuto, che riflette esclusivamente il punto di vista degli autori, e la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsabile per l'uso che può essere fatto delle informazioni ivi contenute. Convenzione di sovvenzione: 2020-1-DE03-KA226-SCH-093410 Best Practice 5: Lehrerbüro 1. Topic/ Area All school subjects, all grades including social-pedagogical advancement 2. Target group DOCENTEs 3. Type of Best Practice Internet platform offering Materials for lesson planning - for all important curricular topics of all school subjects. The online portal also provides access to tried-and-tested work aids for organising everyday school life regarding classroom management, parenting, partial performance disorders, violence and bullying, and report card assessments and career entry. DOCENTEs can offer interactive reading stories - flexible units that enable the students to learn individually. The interactive exercises can easily be made available to the students online via a link. 4. Date released n/d 5. Partners/ network Most partners are various publishers of school media/books in Germany 6. Level National/Regional (Germany) 7. Description of the methods/ approach and/or theories used N.A 8. Purpose/Aim The DOCENTEs' Office is one of the largest Internet platforms for digital teaching materials and specialist DOCENTE information. It is aimed at DOCENTEs and trainee DOCENTEs of all subjects who work in primary, secondary, or special education. DOCENTEs are provided with - Guides and podcasts - Teaching materials - videos and online seminars - job aids - interactive exercises 9. Evaluation (results) of its effectiveness N.A 10. Overview of the lessons learned which are The strong interconnection between the DOCENTEs‘ office and the publishers of school media/books might be good examples how to stick to