Jun 16, 2018 | News

On the 16th of June, we have joined our partners Akademie Klausenhof gGmbH (Germany, coordinator), CARDET (Cyprus), Doukas School (Greece), Spectrum Research Centre (Ireland), University of Nicosia (Cyprus) in the Kick-off Meeting of the new project EUVHS – A framework for the design and implementation of European Virtual ScHoolS, Erasmus + KA2: Strategic Partnership for Schools. We met online and we had the chance to introduce ourselves and our work and to discuss about the next steps in the implementation of the activities.

The emergency created by the pandemic of COVID-19 has led to an abrupt change from classroom-based learning to virtual learning in secondary schools in Europe. Even though some schools were already adopting blended learning, for all of them was extremely challenging to cope up with this momentous change in learning modalities. The aim of EUVHS project is to develop a training course for school leaders, teachers and students that will allow them to effectively teach and learn in virtual classrooms. The ultimate goal is for European secondary schools to reach a standard level of preparedness and quality in virtual learning as set in the Digital Competence Framework for Educators and to contribute to the European Education Area.

During the Meeting partners have shared their knowledge and experience in this sector, discussing how to better approach the first activity planned in the project, that is a research on existing good practices for virtual learning and a survey on school leaders and teachers needs. The partners will be committed to this task in the following months. This research will be useful to structure the training course contents and at the end of the project, all these developed resources will be freely available online on a e-Learning platform.

For any inquiry or suggestion please contact Giulia Cau:

EUVHS – A framework for the design and implementation of European Virtual ScHoolS is cofinanced by Erasmus + KA2: Strategic partnership | School.
